a fancy hat 8/12

My uncle was the greatest nuclear of all time, okay? The best. And they gave him a document, a sort of a paper, and it let everyone know he was the best. And that paper got handed down to me, because even as a child they knew – wow, this kid’s pretty smart with the nuclear.

And if you read this document, okay, listen – listen, you read the document and it says very clearly, very plainly and very clearly, but it says ‘he’s allowed to have the nuclear documents’. It was written on the paper, many years ago, and it’s still just as true today as the day it was written. So the FBI, these guys come in here, they break into the house, they start searching the place. And you know, you have guests over, you need to clean up first. You get the maids together and you say “Listen, my great friend Jeffrey is coming by tonight, I need you to tidy up the place.” and this happens and they do it and the house is beautiful, it’s spotless, and you show you friend and he says “wow” and then you say “wow” and before you know it you’re both, well, that’s how it goes.

But the FBI came in, no warning, like a bunch of dogs running through the house and tearing things up. And they steal the documents, the files, the papers. And I’m a big paper guy, I love the paper, some of the biggest paper guys come to me and say I’m the best. And they stole it all, the papers, the wonderful papers which were going to solve so many problems. You sign a deal with a guy, okay, and maybe you owe him some money. Or maybe you owe him a LOTTA money, more money than you know you’ll ever pay, and he sends a guy to your house and the guy says he’s going to release a sort of a videotape, a videotape of you doing a thing, and having a thing done to you.

So you see these papers and you get the dollar signs and you think the problem is fixed, okay, it’s gone for good. But then the FBI, the woke crooked FBI, they find out somehow. And the leak, the leak is coming from inside the house, it’s terrible, and that wonderful woman with the big eyes dealt with this once before, they made a documentary about it and you still think it’ll never happen to you, but it happened to me. And they’ll do it to you, the IRS agents have guns now, have you seen this? They want your papers and they’ll steal it so fast your head will spin. Much like the atoms in the nuclear. So that’s… he was an incredible uncle and I miss him every day, okay, what were we talking about?

mission accomplished

April 2002, Condoleezza Rice: “With the Taliban eliminated and al Qaeda badly damaged, we have moved into the second stage of our war on terror.”

July 2002, George W. Bush: “In Afghanistan we defeated the Taliban regime, but that was just the first step.”

September 2002, George W. Bush: “The Taliban’s ability to brutalize the Afghan people and to harbor and support terrorists has been virtually eliminated.”

May 2003, George W. Bush: “In the battle of Afghanistan, nations from central and eastern Europe supplied soldiers and special forces and peacekeepers to help defeat the Taliban, to help destroy the terrorists and to bring freedom to the Afghan people.”

September 2004, George W. Bush: “And as a result of the United States military, the Taliban no longer is in existence. And the people of Afghanistan are now free.”

December 2004, George W. Bush: “In Afghanistan, America and our allies, with a historically small force and a brilliant strategy, defeated the Taliban in just a few short weeks.”

October 2005, George W. Bush: “Over the years, these extremists have used a litany of excuses for violence: the Israeli presence on the West Bank or the U.S. military presence in Saudi Arabia or the defeat of the Taliban or the Crusades of a thousand years ago.”