a fancy hat christmas special

A Christmas Carol Starring Your Favorite President (TRUMP!) STAVE ONE Herman Cain was dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. Trump signed it: and Trump’s name was good upon ’Change, for anything he […]

a fancy hat 10/2

I’ve always been very good at the tests, okay, I got a LOT of postiives… lots of positives and lots of tests. And now? You might say I tested the most positive of all. The biggest positive I’ve… well…. *Snffffffffffffff* *COUGH COUGH COUGH* But the test, they take you into the room, and they give […]

A fancy hat 9/11

Wow, so… it’s… it’s that day again, the 9th…. the 11th of the 9th, which means September. September 11th, you might call it. The day that will live infamously, as they said at the time. And we still remember, believe me, some of us are… we were there. Many of us, myself included, ran into […]

A fancy hat 6/8

I’m here because…. well… we can see. There’s a black man, he died, he’s dead… and a cop killed him, but there are a LOTTA questions, of course. But I know bad cops, I’ve been dealing with them since day one. LISA PAGE, THE WONDERFUL LOVERS. LYIN’ JAMES COMEY. And the rest. Bad cops, awful […]