A fancy hat 9/11

Wow, so… it’s… it’s that day again, the 9th…. the 11th of the 9th, which means September. September 11th, you might call it. The day that will live infamously, as they said at the time.

And we still remember, believe me, some of us are… we were there. Many of us, myself included, ran into the towers as they were falling, ran in and saved many lives. I carried out 3 children, 3 children who are with us today. They’re in the back of this crowd, waving, because I saved them. They are now 20 years old, which is… wow. That’s an age, right? Wow. Get a look at these kids.

But it’s been 19 years since these terrible attacchhskkkssch hit our soil, the US soil, the dirt, and killed almost 3000 people. That’s about 3 days now, 3 days in the United States, and it happened all at once. Which is… that’s incredible, isn’t it? 3000 dead. And they stayed dead, unlike some. You know… you know what I mean.


But the US has gotten much stronger since then. Baracko Biden, he was President on that day, and we’ve all seen the famous photograph of him reading the book. He’s reading a book to a room full of angry dems, and then they say “Sir, it’s 9/11” and he has to react, very strongly. But he never did, never did the big reaction.

If I had been President then, believe me, it would have been a VERY different story. I’d have flown up there, I’d have talked them down, I’m very good at making deals, making the amazing deals. You’ve seen what I’ve done with North Korea, we would have had WORLD WAR THREE if Hillary Obama had won, but they didn’t, I won, and now? Now things are doing incredible, really just… things are great. Doing amazing in many ways and about to do even more ways. But I’d have stopped the planes and maybe saved a LOTTA lives. Unfortunately though, I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t have the tallest building in New York then, would I? So, I suppose… I think that maybe there are always good things and bad things. And even in 9/11, there were good things.

And I remember getting the call on that day.

“Sir, the towers are going down. There’s smoke everywhere and the towers are going down. What do we do?”

And I was watching TV, okay, I don’t watch much TV but I was watching 13 hours of TV and I turned it and saw the planes. And at first you think “Wow, this is a good way to collapse a building” and then maybe you have a bad thought, you think about your brother who flew a plane and you think maybe he’s come back, he’s finally come back to get you. But it’s not that, thank God, it’s just a plane hitting a building. And some people died, it’s fine, you’re fine. And now? Now you have the tallest building in the world.


So on this, the holiest of 9/11s, I’m… God blesschhh us. That’s…. that’s what I remember. The skyscrapers, or cloud touchers we call them, but everybody left. And I remember seeing the Muslims dancing in the street. Dancing in the street and AOC was there with them, serving them drinks from the bar she owned. And I turned around and Joe Biden was there doing a hula dance. And that’s… that’s what you need to know, okay? That was 9/11. And Joe Biden didn’t do a THING to stop it.